Guide to Oral Cancer Self-Exam

The good news is, if oral cancer is caught early, the long-term survival rate increases. Early detection is key! Your...
The good news is, if oral cancer is caught early, the long-term survival rate increases. Early detection is key! Your dental professional will provide you with an oral cancer screening when you go in for your continuing care appointment, but you should also complete them on yourself at home. Perform this 7-step oral cancer self-exam once a month. At each step you are looking for anything unusual, especially any lumps, red or white patches, changes in color/texture or lingering ulcers....
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Oral Cancer Awareness Month

When we hear the word cancer it might seem like a distance term, or you may have a very personal...
When we hear the word cancer it might seem like a distance term, or you may have a very personal experience. “1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime” ( Cancer impacts many people.    April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, which raises awareness about oral cancer and the importance of completing self-exams. Oral Cancer starts in the oral cavity (mouth) and the oropharynx (neck and throat). This year there will...
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The holiday stress and oral health

Many people often experience holiday stress. Stress is a coping mechanism to everyday challenges, but when the stress response is...
Many people often experience holiday stress. Stress is a coping mechanism to everyday challenges, but when the stress response is continuous it can have a negative impact on overall health. You may feel your heart rate and breathing increase, as well as increased muscle tension. Stress can have physical and psychological consequences. Did you know it can also have an impact on your oral health? Stress and Oral Health When prolonged stress occurs, your immune system can become compromised. The...
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Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is also a name for teeth grinding, and it is often accompanied with clenching. It often happens as you...
Bruxism is also a name for teeth grinding, and it is often accompanied with clenching. It often happens as you sleep, but it can also be associated with stress, anxiety, an abnormal bite, or missing teeth. People who drink alcohol and smokers are approximately twice as likely to grind their teeth (ADA, 2022). The symptoms of teeth grinding include: Dull headaches Jaw soreness Teeth that are painful or loose Fractured teeth Your dentist will evaluate the source. You can get...
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Why do I have bad breath?

Bad breath, or halitosis, can be embarrassing and affect a person’s social life. There are different causes that can be...
Bad breath, or halitosis, can be embarrassing and affect a person’s social life. There are different causes that can be considered. In 80-90% of cases, bad breath originates form the oral cavity. Your mouth is an ideal location for bacterial growth, with the most common places being your tongue and your gums between your teeth. What causes bad breath? Cavities Gum disease Bacteria on the tongue Infections in the mouth Medications that cause dry mouth Disorders that cause dry mouth...
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The mouth and body are connected

Your mouth is a window into your body. The mouth can show signs of general infection, side effects to medications,...
Your mouth is a window into your body. The mouth can show signs of general infection, side effects to medications, nutritional deficiencies, signs of systemic diseases, and more. By having good oral hygiene and visiting your dental professional regularly you are taking care of your entire body! Here are some examples of where research has identified a correlation between oral and general health. Heart Disease Diabetes Pneumonia Arthritis Preterm birth / low birth weight Cancer Neurodegenerative diseases Obesity Osteoporosis Periodontitis...
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November is American Diabetes Month

Let’s look at an example of how the mouth and body are related. There is a direct correlation between periodontitis...
Let’s look at an example of how the mouth and body are related. There is a direct correlation between periodontitis and diabetes. Among the US population 11.3%  (37.3 million people) have diabetes, with approximately 1 in 4 not aware of having the disease. The total US population with prediabetes is 38% (96 million people aged 18 years or older). Did you know November is American Diabetes Month to raise awareness of diabetes symptoms, promote healthy living, and ensure people are...
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Do I have to brush my dental implants?

You must maintain your dental implants with proper oral hygiene at home. Implants can develop disease, just like a natural...
You must maintain your dental implants with proper oral hygiene at home. Implants can develop disease, just like a natural tooth. Bacterial plaque is a sticky film that constantly forms on your teeth and implants. If you do not clean your implant(s) properly, the plaque builds up and can cause gum inflammation called peri-implant mucositis. Your gums may look red, swollen, feel sensitive or bleed easily. This can be reversed, but if plaque is not removed, the bone around the...
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Diet Impacts Tooth Health

Diet Impacts Tooth Health Your mouth is essential for chewing and swallowing your food. The mouth is the first point...
Diet Impacts Tooth Health Your mouth is essential for chewing and swallowing your food. The mouth is the first point of contact with all the nutrients your body needs. What you put in your mouth impacts both your oral and general health. What is a cavity? Cavities form when the bacteria in the mouth eat the available sugars and produce acid, which breaks down the outer layer, the enamel, of the tooth. Cavities often develop between the teeth and in...
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Helping the Aging Population Achieve Healthy Mouths

May is Older Americans Month, established in 1963 to acknowledge the contributions of past and current older persons. The theme...
May is Older Americans Month, established in 1963 to acknowledge the contributions of past and current older persons. The theme for 2022 is ‘Age My Way’, an opportunity to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities. It focuses on living independently within a community for as long as possible. The ability to access routine professional oral health services, have proper oral health education, and daily oral hygiene are all essential factors related...
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Healthy Snacks for a Healthy Mouth

Healthy Snacks for a Healthy Mouth Sometimes eating between meals must happen. It is recommended to limit eating and drinking...
Healthy Snacks for a Healthy Mouth Sometimes eating between meals must happen. It is recommended to limit eating and drinking sugary drinks between meals. Most people choose foods like sweets and chips for snacks. These choices can weaken the teeth and cause cavities. Also, nutritious, acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits can have acidic effects on tooth enamel. Try to eat them as part of a meal, and not as a stand-alone snack. Here are some nutritious snack choices:...
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Foods & Drinks to Avoid for a Healthy Mouth

Foods & Drinks to Avoid for a Healthy Mouth While some food may seem harmless, if you eat too many...
Foods & Drinks to Avoid for a Healthy Mouth While some food may seem harmless, if you eat too many and the constant exposure to sugar can be harmful to your teeth. Here are 6 different foods and drinks that should be cautiously consumed. Hard Candies: Constant exposure to sugar and the hardness of the candy could cause a dental emergency such as a broken or chipped tooth. Alternative is sugarless gum Ice: Chewing on ice can also leave you...
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