TePe GOOD™ Tongue Cleaner

The tongue has many areas for bacteria to hide, so it is important to disrupt this layer of bacteria as part of your daily oral hygiene routine. There are small bumps on the tongue, called papillae, that create places for bacteria and food particles to collect. When the tongue is not cleaned routinely, the trapped bacteria can create bad breath or even change how your food taste. Disrupting this layer of bacteria should be a part of your daily oral hygiene routine.

The TePe GOOD TM Tongue Cleaner is designed to correspond with the natural shape of the tongue, which reduces the gag reflex and makes it easier to reach far back in the mouth. The three, slightly raised cleaning blades give a triple-effect, allowing bacteria to be removed with one stroke. TePe GOOD TM tongue cleaner is made from bio-based plastic, meaning the carbon footprint is reduced during production.

To clean your tongue, slightly stick your tongue out and apply gentle pressure sweeping over the surface of the tongue from the most posterior portion to the tip of the tongue. If you have not been routinely cleaning your tongue, it may take a few passes of the tongue cleaner to remove the layers of bacteria. Be sure not to press too hard and if your tongue becomes tender, be sure to let it recover and then start your tongue cleaning again.

This video will guide you in understanding the features of the product and how to use the TePe GOOD™ Tongue Cleaner.

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