Cleaning between the teeth to prevent and control bad breath

If you suffer from gum inflammation known as gingivitis or a more severe version known as periodontitis, your mouth contains an extra amount of bacteria that contribute to bad breath. In these cases, professional treatment of the diseases is necessary to help cure bad breath.
Daily disruption of the food particles and sticky bacteria between the teeth is very important. Not only do they cause bad breath but they can create gum disease and cavities. We are all familiar with what happens when we leave food out on the counter. Eventually, there is an odor, and the same goes for if that food is left between your teeth. Your mouth contains bacteria which break down food debris. This breakdown process generates bad-smelling gases, known as volatile sulfur compounds. Research tells us those harmful VSC compounds are very damaging to the tissue that surround your teeth. Frequently cleaning between the teeth helps to eliminate food, bacteria, and VSC compounds.
Daily use of interdental brushes, on-the-go options like the TePe EasyPick, or dental floss is strongly advised. Each product can be tailored to your particular needs. Dental floss like the TePe mini flosser is great for teeth that are very close together or people who are not struggling with a dental disease like decay or gingivitis. The TePe EasyPicks are fantastic to use on-the-go and throughout the day. Using these after a meal is a great way to quickly disrupt the food particles that can work their way between your teeth. TePe has nine different color-coded interdental brushes so you can find the best size for the spaces between your teeth. Ensuring the wire never touches the sides of the teeth, but the bristles are snug and able to disrupt the sticky bacteria is the key to proper care between your teeth. Check out our video on how to properly size the Tepe interdental brushes
Visiting your dentist routinely and a daily habit of cleaning between your teeth is a great start to controlling bad breath. TePe is here to help you find the products that are tailored to clean those spaces between your teeth.
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