Sustainability at TePe

Sustainability at TePe Sustainability at TePe means ensuring environmental, economic, and social well-being for today and tomorrow. It means meeting...
Sustainability at TePe Sustainability at TePe means ensuring environmental, economic, and social well-being for today and tomorrow. It means meeting the needs of people and society, without compromising the ability of future generations to also meet their needs. It is about living within the limits of the planet and protecting the environment. At TePe we take a holistic approach to sustainability, integrating it into every aspect of the business. World Environment Day World Environment Day is organized by the United...
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Interdental Cleaning Is Associated with Decreased Or...

The overall aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of interdental cleaning on the prevalence of the two main oral diseases, caries and periodontal disease. 
Marchesan JT et al.  A vast majority of the dental profession stand behind the recommendation that oral hygiene instructions should include both toothbrushing and interdental cleaning. The biofilm is central in the development of both periodontal disease and caries and needs to be removed to prevent these diseases successfully.  This piece of research is based on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a register representing the civilian, noninstitutionalized population in the United States. Adults 30 years and...
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Where do I Start when Learning How to Clean my Ortho...

With all the new hardware in your mouth, you have likely noticed that there are many places for food and plaque to get caught. Cleaning your teeth will now take more than a toothbrush to clean around the orthodontic brackets and wires.
With all the new hardware in your mouth, you have likely noticed that there are many places for food and plaque to get caught. Cleaning your teeth will now take more than a toothbrush to clean around the orthodontic brackets and wires. This makes it even more important to use the home care products that are meant to clean around all those new nooks and crannies.   Here is a List of Products to get you started around your new...
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Interdental Cleaning Methods in Comparison

This study aims to compare the effect, measured as gingival inflammation, bleeding-on-probing, plaque, and pocket depth, between different interdental cleaning regimes. The regimes included are flossing, powered flossing, toothpicks, toothpicks and intensive oral hygiene instructions, water jet irrigation devices, interdental brushes, gum massaging devices, toothbrush only (controls), powered toothbrush (controls), powered toothbrush and waterjet.

A network meta-analysis of interproximal oral hygiene methods in the reduction of clinical indices of inflammation.  Kotsakis GA et al.  This study aims to compare the effect, measured as gingival inflammation, bleeding-on-probing, plaque, and pocket depth, between different interdental cleaning regimes. The regimes included are flossing, powered flossing, toothpicks, toothpicks and intensive oral hygiene instructions, water jet irrigation devices, interdental brushes, gum massaging devices, toothbrush only (controls), powered toothbrush (controls), powered toothbrush and waterjet.  Network meta-analysis is the method chosen...
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You Have a Medical Disease of the Mouth

I like to joke with my patients by saying, “I don’t know if you know this, but your mouth is actually connected to your body”. Because dentistry and medicine don’t always cross paths, we can forget that what happens in the body can manifest signs and symptoms in the mouth.
I like to joke with my patients by saying, “I don’t know if you know this, but your mouth is actually connected to your body”. Because dentistry and medicine don’t always cross paths, we can forget that what happens in the body can manifest signs and symptoms in the mouth. Conversely, inflammation in the mouth can exacerbate systemic disease. The dental hygiene profession has based its existence on prevention and education of disease. I feel, at times, we have lost...
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British Society of Periodontology Statement on Flossing

August, 2016: PRESS RELEASE: “Daily cleaning between your teeth using special interdental brushes is essential for treating and preventing gum disease."
PRESS RELEASE 2 August 2016 Following articles published today in various national newspapers, the British Society of Periodontology would like to make the following statement with regard to comments made by the Associated Press in the United States about the ineffectiveness of flossing. Evidence supports the use of small interdental brushes for cleaning between the teeth, where there is space to do so, in preference to flossing. The recommendation from the 11th European Workshop on the prevention of gum diseases (2015) to patients is...
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But I'm Too Tired to Clean my Teeth at Night!

As a dental hygienist, I hear this a lot. Brushing before bedtime is crucial because an accumulation of disease causing bacteria won’t be sitting on your teeth all night.
As a dental hygienist, I hear this a lot. Disturbing the bacteria that has accumulated throughout the day that is sitting along the gum line and between your teeth is very important. Brushing before bedtime is crucial because that accumulation of aggressive, disease causing bacteria won’t sit on your teeth and around your gums all night. When we sleep, it is the perfect time for the bacteria to assault our teeth and gums. We are not salivating as much and...
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